Sunday, March 20, 2016

World Brain Week

Last week was apparently a "World Brain Awareness Week" of the year. I was one of the 6 speakers at an event held in Aju University Medical School on Saturday March 19th. It was open to the general public, and the diligent Korean high school students were the majority in the audience. They are said to get some kind of credit from attending such events, and accordingly, the speech contents were much tailored to young and aspiring students. AND all address was given in Korean, which is a challenge to prepare, but as far as I can tell, all speakers I saw (I only attended the first half of the meeting but I have no doubt that the rest of the speakers did well too) did an excellent job in delivering the talk.

In retrospect, I feel that I have unintentionally ignored the adult listeners in the audience. I should have been more neutral to the age of the listeners, and have avoided sounding like a teacher talking to a minor. Profs Suh Minah and Choi Myungwhan did do an excellent job talking about their optical methods of animal brain imaging and studies. Many questions from the students were directed to Prof. Choi, on opto-genetics.

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