Publications, since 2016
[35] Insertable, dual-density dielectric barrier for acoustic pressure level reduction in a high-performance human head-only MRI system, Magn. Reson. Imaging (Sept 2024), S.-K. Lee, M. Tarasek, K. Park, Desmond T.-B. Yeo, Thomas K.-F. Foo, Journal link
[35] Insertable, dual-density dielectric barrier for acoustic pressure level reduction in a high-performance human head-only MRI system, Magn. Reson. Imaging (Sept 2024), S.-K. Lee, M. Tarasek, K. Park, Desmond T.-B. Yeo, Thomas K.-F. Foo, Journal link
[34] Eddy current heating of metallic shells and plates: Application to gradient-induced conductor heating in MRI, S.-K. Lee, M. Tarasek, K. Li, Dan Spence, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Aug 2024), Early View
[33] Theory and mitigation of motional eddy current in high-field eddy current shielding, S.-K. Lee and Y. Hua, Journal of Applied Physics (July 2024)
[32] Modeling and measurement of lead tip heating and resonant length for implanted, insulated wires, by LJB Speltz, S-K Lee, Y Shu, MR Tarasek, JD Trzasko, TKF Foo, MA Bernstein, Early View (May 2024) MRM link
[31] Retrospective correction of second-order concomitant fields in 3D axial stack-of-spirals imaging on a high-performance gradient system, Afis Ajala, N. Abad, T. K. F. Foo, S.-K. Lee, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Early View (April 2024),
[30] Generalized magnetostatic target field method for shielded magnetic field coils in a separable coordinate system, S.-K. Lee and John Schenck, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 174504 (2023),
[29] In vivo direct imaging of neuronal activity at high temporospatial resolution, P.T. Toi, H.J. Jang, K. Min, S.P. Kim, S-K. Lee, J. Lee, K. Kwang, J-Y. Park, Science 378 (6616), 160-168 (2022)
[28] Calibration of concomitant field offsets using phase contrast MRI for asymmetric gradient coils, N. Abad, S-K. Lee, A. Ajala, M-H. In, L.M. Frigo, C. Bhushan, H.D. Morris, Y. Hua, V.B. Ho, M.A. Bernstein, T.K.F. Foo, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 89(1), 262-275 (2023)
[27] Multiturn planar inductor for the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio response in magnetic resonance microscopy, Byung-Pan Song, Hyeong-Seop Kim, Sung-Jun Yoon, Daniel Hernandez, Kyoung-Nam Kim, Seung-Kyun Lee, IEEE Access (2022, Early access)
[26] Systematic dimensional analysis of the scaling relationship for gradient and shim coil design parameters, Seung-Kyun Lee, Matt A. Bernstein, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2022, Early view)
[25] Customized radiofrequency phased-array coil combining transmit-only, receive-only, and transmit/receive coils for magnetic resonance imaging of visual cortex at 7 Tesla, Hyeong-Seop Kim, Byung-Pan Song, Royoung Kim, Woo-chul Choi, Donghyuk Kim, Won Mok Shim, Kyoung-Nam Kim, Seung-Kyun Lee, IEEE Access (2022, Early access)
[24] Rapid calculation of static magnetic field perturbation generated by magnetized objects in arbitrary orientations, Seok-Jin Yeo, So-Hee Lee, Seung-Kyun Lee, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2021) (Early view)
[23] Therapeutic quadrisected annular array for improving magnetic resonance compatibility, Seoyun Chang, Hyunkyung Na, Minseok Koo, Taewon Choi, Younghoon Kim, Sun Ah Park, Seung-Kyun Lee, Jinhyoung Park, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2021) (Early view)
[22] Extra-basal ganglia iron content and non-motor symptoms in drug-naïve, early Parkinson’s disease, Minkyeong Kim, Seulki Yoo, Doyeon Kim, Jin Whan Cho, Ji Sun Kim, Jong Hyun Ahn, Jun Kyu Mun, Inyoung Choi, Seung-Kyun Lee, Jinyoung Youn, Neurological Sciences (2021) (online) article/10.1007/s10072-021- 05223-0.
[21] Line scan-based rapid magnetic resonance imaging of repetitive motion, Hankyeol Lee, Jeongtaek Lee, Jang-Yeon Park, Seung-Kyun Lee, Scientific Reports 11:4505 (2021). (online)
[20] Radio-frequency vector magnetic field mapping in magnetic resonance imaging, Seung-Kyun Lee, Sukhoon Oh, Hyeong-Seop Kim, Byung-Pan Song, IEEE Trans Med Imaging (2020, Early view)
[19] Magnetic susceptibility imaging of human habenula at 3T, Seulki Yoo, Joo-won Kim, John F. Schenck, Seung-Kyun Lee, Scientific Reports 10:19357 (2020). (online)
[18] An equal-TE ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging method with high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts: Application to BOLD functional MRI, Jae-Kyun Ryu, Won Beom Jung, Jaeyong Yu, Jeong Pyo Son, Seung-Kyun Lee, S-G Kim, Jang-Yeon Park, Magn Reson Med 2020 (early view). (online)
[17] Feasibility of head-tilted brain scan to reduce susceptibility-induced signal loss in the prefrontal cortex in gradient echo-based imaging, Seulki Yoo, Hayoung Song, S-G Kim, Won Mok Shim, Seung-Kyun Lee, Neuroimage 223, 117265 (2020). (online)
[16] Strategies for rapid reconstruction in 3D MRI with radial data acquisition: fast 3D Fourier transform vs two-step 2D filtered back projection, Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Joonyeol Lee, Seung-Kyun Lee, Jang-Yeon Park, Scientific Reports 10:13813 (2020). (online)
[15] Inductively coupled RF coil for imaging a 40 um-thick histology sample in a clinical MRI scanner, Byung-Pan Song, Hyeong-Seop Kim, Kyoung-Nam Kim, Seung-Kyun Lee, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 77(1):87-93 (2020). (online)
[14] Experimental setup for bulk susceptibility effect-minimized, multi-orientation MRI of ex vivo tissue samples, So-Hee Lee, Min-Jun Han, Joonyeol Lee, Seung-Kyun Lee, Medical Physics 47:3032-3043 (2020). (online)
[13] Fabrication of a spherical inclusion phantom for validation of magnetic resonance-based magnetic suscepitiblility imaging, Jun-Ho Kim, Jung-Hyun Kim, So-Hee Lee, Jin-Hyoung Park, Seung-Kyun Lee, PLOS ONE, 2019
[12] High resolution numerical simulation of respiration-induced dynamic B0 shift in the head in high-field MRI, S-H Lee, J-S Barg, S-J Yeo, S-K Lee, Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2019;23:38-45
[11] Electrical properties tomography: Available contrast and reconstruction capabilities, I Hancu, J Liu, Y Hua, S-K Lee, Magn Res Med ,2019;81:803–81
[10] Efficient experimental design for measuring magnetic susceptibility of arbitrarily shaped materials by MRI, Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Seon-ha Hwang, Seung-Kyun Lee, 2018;22:141-149
[9] Lightweight, compact, and high-performance 3T MR system for imaging the brain and extremities, Thomas K.F. Foo and others, Magn Res Med (online), 2018;80:2232-2245
[8] Rapid, theoretically artifact-free calculation of static magnetic field induced by voxelated susceptibility distribution in an arbitrary volume of interest, Seung-Kyun Lee, Seon-Ha Hwang, Ji-Seong Barg, Seok-Jin Yeo, Magn Res Med, 2018;80:2109-2121
[7] B0 concomitant field compensation for MRI systems employing asymmetric transverse gradient coils, Paul T. Weavers, Shengzhen Tao, Joshua Trzasko, Louis Frigo, Yunhong Shu, Matt Frick, Seung-Kyun Lee, Thomas K Foo, Matt A Bernstein, Magn Res Med, 2017;79:1538-1544
[6] Gradient nonlinearity calibration and correction for a compact, asymmetric magnetic resonance imaging gradient system, S. Tao, JD Trzasko, JL Gunter, PT Weavers, Y Shu, J Huston III, SK Lee, ET Tan, MA Bernstein, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016;62: N18-N31
[5] Nuclear paramagnetism-induced MR frequency shift and its implications for MR-based magnetic susceptibility measurement, Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Jang-Yeon Park, Seung-Kyun Lee, Magn Res Med, 2016; 77: 848-854
[4] Distortion correction in diffusion weighted imaging of the breast: performance assessment of prospective, retrospective and combined (prospective+ retrospective) approaches, I. Hancu, S-K. Lee, K. Hulsey, R. Lenkinski, D. Holland, J. Sperl, E.T. Tan. Magn Res Med, 2017; 78: 247-253
[3] Gradient Pre-Emphasis to Counteract First-Order Concomitant Fields on Asymmetric MRI Gradient Systems, S. Tao, P. Weavers, J. Trzasko, Y. Shu, J. Huston III, S-K. Lee, L. Frigo, M. Bernstein. Magn Res Med, 2016; 77: 2250-2262
[2] High Slew-Rate Head-Only Gradient for Improving Distortion in Echo Planar Imaging: Preliminary Experience, E.T. Tan, S-K. Lee, P. Weavers, D. Graziani, J. Piel, Y. Shu, J. Huston III, M. Bernstein, T. Foo, J. Magn Res Imaging, 2016; 44: 654-664
(online) JMRI,
[1] Compact three-tesla magnetic resonance imager with high-performance gradients passes ACR image quality and acoustic noise tests, P. Weavers, Y. Shu, S. Tao, J. Huston III, S-K. Lee, D. Graziani, J-B. Mathieu, J. Trzasko, T. Foo, M. Bernstein, Med Phys, 2016; 43: 1259-1264
[12] High resolution numerical simulation of respiration-induced dynamic B0 shift in the head in high-field MRI, S-H Lee, J-S Barg, S-J Yeo, S-K Lee, Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2019;23:38-45
[11] Electrical properties tomography: Available contrast and reconstruction capabilities, I Hancu, J Liu, Y Hua, S-K Lee, Magn Res Med ,2019;81:803–81
[10] Efficient experimental design for measuring magnetic susceptibility of arbitrarily shaped materials by MRI, Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Seon-ha Hwang, Seung-Kyun Lee, 2018;22:141-149
[9] Lightweight, compact, and high-performance 3T MR system for imaging the brain and extremities, Thomas K.F. Foo and others, Magn Res Med (online), 2018;80:2232-2245
[8] Rapid, theoretically artifact-free calculation of static magnetic field induced by voxelated susceptibility distribution in an arbitrary volume of interest, Seung-Kyun Lee, Seon-Ha Hwang, Ji-Seong Barg, Seok-Jin Yeo, Magn Res Med, 2018;80:2109-2121
[7] B0 concomitant field compensation for MRI systems employing asymmetric transverse gradient coils, Paul T. Weavers, Shengzhen Tao, Joshua Trzasko, Louis Frigo, Yunhong Shu, Matt Frick, Seung-Kyun Lee, Thomas K Foo, Matt A Bernstein, Magn Res Med, 2017;79:1538-1544
[6] Gradient nonlinearity calibration and correction for a compact, asymmetric magnetic resonance imaging gradient system, S. Tao, JD Trzasko, JL Gunter, PT Weavers, Y Shu, J Huston III, SK Lee, ET Tan, MA Bernstein, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016;62: N18-N31
[5] Nuclear paramagnetism-induced MR frequency shift and its implications for MR-based magnetic susceptibility measurement, Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Jang-Yeon Park, Seung-Kyun Lee, Magn Res Med, 2016; 77: 848-854
[4] Distortion correction in diffusion weighted imaging of the breast: performance assessment of prospective, retrospective and combined (prospective+ retrospective) approaches, I. Hancu, S-K. Lee, K. Hulsey, R. Lenkinski, D. Holland, J. Sperl, E.T. Tan. Magn Res Med, 2017; 78: 247-253
[3] Gradient Pre-Emphasis to Counteract First-Order Concomitant Fields on Asymmetric MRI Gradient Systems, S. Tao, P. Weavers, J. Trzasko, Y. Shu, J. Huston III, S-K. Lee, L. Frigo, M. Bernstein. Magn Res Med, 2016; 77: 2250-2262
[2] High Slew-Rate Head-Only Gradient for Improving Distortion in Echo Planar Imaging: Preliminary Experience, E.T. Tan, S-K. Lee, P. Weavers, D. Graziani, J. Piel, Y. Shu, J. Huston III, M. Bernstein, T. Foo, J. Magn Res Imaging, 2016; 44: 654-664
(online) JMRI,
[1] Compact three-tesla magnetic resonance imager with high-performance gradients passes ACR image quality and acoustic noise tests, P. Weavers, Y. Shu, S. Tao, J. Huston III, S-K. Lee, D. Graziani, J-B. Mathieu, J. Trzasko, T. Foo, M. Bernstein, Med Phys, 2016; 43: 1259-1264