Sunday, March 13, 2016

Highlights of the week, March 7-11

The second week of the first semester at the University was pretty dynamic and interesting. Prof. JB Jang finally made his appearance in the department, and delivered a much-attended undergraduate seminar on his work. On Wednesday this year's Neuro-at-Noon series was kicked off by Prof. Kim CJ of KIST/UST who gave a very understandable and interesting talk on brain volume and intelligence. The lunch meeting that followed was attended by many faculty members of the department, and was highly informative.

The undergraduate sophomores started to look for and join research labs to start their work on undergraduate thesis. I was contacted by two of them, and they are likely to meet with me regularly to discuss plans and progress soon. I understand that even the freshmen are supposed to work on a limited scope research supervised by a faculty. As one research project topic for either the 1st or the 2nd year students, I am thinking of an MR magnetometry experiment on Korean currency bills, with an eye on looking for a magnetic printout solution for small volume shimming.

There was a BME faculty dinner meeting at an upscale restaurant in a nearby city overlooking a lake.

On Friday I met with a former classmate who is now on the faculty of Gacheon University. The stories I am exposed to these days through these meetings are all interesting. They are both new and old, as a matter of fact, in the sense that they tell a story in a part of the world, and a corner of the society that are directly opposite to where I was in in the past several years, while at the same time that corner of the world and society is familiar to me from my faraway past so I can quickly understand why things are as I hear they are.

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