Sunday, March 27, 2016

Impressions from ICMRI

Last Thursday-Saturday (March 24-26) there was the 4th International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Grand Hilton Hotel in Seoul. First of all, I must thank the organizers at KSMRM for their hard work to prepare this very respectful meeting with hundreds of participants. As a first-time participant, I can only guess its past trajectory but I did come away with an impression that lots of effort has gone into the meeting over the years to make it this well organized and resourceful.
1. Dual language meeting. I thought it made sense to have explicit Korean and English language sessions in the conference. This does emphasize however the need for Korean professionals to be proficient in two languages. Foreign language speakers may still see it as a barrier to participating, but given many medical doctors in the audience who use only Korean in their work, it was probably a right balance.
2. The lecture by Dr. Cho Janghee was eye-opening when he showed the early 2 T scanner with a home-made gradient coil at KAIST. How does this fit into the history of MRI told by GE? How can IBS/SKKU be another history maker in MRI in ten years?
3. SKKU made a good show in the meeting, thanks to the hard work of the graduate students and postdocs who got numerous scientific recognitions for their presentations. Dr. Seong-gi Kim delivered a very comprehensible Korean lecture on CEST. I feel that the school and the institute got much needed visibility reinforcement during the past few days.
4. Unfortunately, there was no good planform for job postings.

I found a small number of presentations that had QSM components in them. It will be useful to follow up on these works.

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