Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday May 9th, 2016, Singapore

Update from the Meeting:
1. Dr. Seong-gi Kim's paper was displayed as the 5th most cited MRM paper published in 2013!
2. Dr. Erwin Hahn appeared on screen via Skype, to address the plenary hall audience! I was almost in tears to see him on the screen, positively to learn that he is still thinking clearly, but also by his visible sign of aging compared to when I last talked to him in Berkeley.
3. I delivered the 9+3 min oral presentation in a Session on Artifacts. I probably spoke too fast. A question was asked about the difference between this work and a Green's function sampling method. Later, I chatted with the questioner - he had an electronic poster, later in the day, about an alternative representation of the dipolar field kernel and its impact on QSM.
4. GE lunch time symposium had Eric Stahr showing one slide on head-only scanner delivered to Mayo Clinic. Exciting!
5. The MRM and JMRI reviewer session in the evening was very informative. Interesting to hear the JMRI Editor-in-Chief say that Discussion is the least important part when reviewing a manuscript. For MRM, Matt said the journal honors at most one of the preferred reviewers as suggested by the authors.

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