Sunday, May 1, 2016

ISMRM 2016

This year's ISMRM meeting will be held in Singapore, from May 6th to the 13th. I am doing three different things this time - moderating, poster presenting, and an oral talk in a scientific session.

1. Moderation
This is the second time I am co-moderating a session in ISMRM. Each time, connections at GE have helped me be found by the Annual meeting committee for such a opportunity. Last year it was in a traditional oral session, on MRI systems calibration including B0 and B1 mapping. This time is different - it is for a day-long educational session. Pretty much a whole business day will be dedicated to this activity. It will be interesting though. I expect more of a housekeeping role than intervening in heated technical debates. The session is "Physics for Physicists", on Saturday.

2. Poster
This is on Wednesday, in a session on MRI safety. I have had some material prepared on PNS in an asymmetric head-only gradient coil last year. Unfortunately, since my departure from GRC this work was orphaned, and I seriously thought about cancelling this poster. At the last minute, however, I obtained from GRC old electronic files used to prepare the abstract, and was able to edit the content into a minimally acceptable poster. PNS research itself continues to have my attention. At the meeting I will try to see what new results are discussed from Brian Rutt's group on head gradient PNS.

3. Oral presentation
Last Friday I pretty much completed the content of the oral presentation on an improved method to compute the B0 inhomogeneity map from susceptibility distribution. The 3 undergrad students timed my practice talk, and I still need to complete one page with computation time data from the students. This talk will be on Monday morning, on "Artifacts: System Imperfections & Implants".

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