Monday, February 5, 2018

MRM conferences in 2018

Abstract review results were announced on Friday 2/2 for the upcoming Annual Meeting of ISMRM, in Paris. A quick count of the list shows slightly over 6000 abstracts were accepted for presentation. Judging from the submission serial numbers, it appears that possibly as many as 9000 abstracts were submitted (this number likely counts incomplete submissions so the actual number is likely smaller). It seems that this year, the location's popularity has appealed to and attracted more people than in some other years. In Dr. Lee's lab, two abstracts submitted (one on multi-orientation B1 mapping and the other on susceptibility of habenula) were all accepted for poster presentations, which is what was planned. Separately, the Korean Society for MRM is going to hold its annual conference, icMRI, on March 29-31. The conference has just extended its abstract deadline to the 21st of Feb. The lab is submitting 4 student abstracts, all related to B0 inhomogeneity.

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