Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 wrap up

The year is winding down and an unmistakable winter weather is gripping the Suwon area. The Center this year has decided on a 7T human MRI purchase, and there was a significant increase in the research personnel in the human fMRI research area. In Dr. Lee's lab, the undergraduate research interns did an excellent job in their research presentations for undergraduate project contests (C-School) to grab a Grand prize for two semesters in a row. There was a significant progress in  collaborative research with MDs at SMC, led by Ms. Yoo, on QSM of neurological disease patients. Multiple international invited talks were delivered by Dr. Lee. For research publication, currently one paper is under revision at MRM, and another at Sci Rep (led by Prof. Park JY). Multi-orientation B0 and B1 research has taken off to a promising start in collaboration with Prof. Shim's lab (B0) and KBSI (Dr. Oh S-H, B1). Finally, a brand-new, lab-dedicated research/office space was secured in 2017 and is now being furnished for full use starting January.

Happy new year!

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