Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer School - Workshop on MRI at CNIR

Since my first Korean public lecture at Aju University in March, I have felt that interest in neuroscience and MRI in Korea is significant and growing. This summer, for example, there are multiple public/academic events on neuroscience, at Aju Univ., and Korea Institute for Science and Technology (KIST). The CNIR 3-day Neuroimaging Workshop on MRI, held on Wednesday-Friday (7/6-7/8) this week, was one of them, and it was well received. First of all, the weather was perfect for this time of the year, between days of rain earlier in the week and a surge of hot air late Friday. I gave the first lecture and officially hosted the show for the first day, and I think there were about a hundred in the audience at one point. Prof. Park JS did a good job in inviting the session speakers from his broad network of MRI researchers in Korea, and Ms. Choi BH was instrumental in preparing and running the hands-on practical demo/training around the 3 T scanner. I am positive that this event was also meaningful for the summer intern students, and our Center got the needed boost in publicity as envisioned earlier this year by Prof. Kim SG.

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