Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer research

Summer is in full swing. Today was the hottest of the days so far this year. Four weeks have passed since the start of the summer vacation on campus, and the Center's first Summer Intern Program ended today with a great success. Success in terms of the engagement of the participating students, logistics, publicity, communication, and future recruiting.
It so happened that my lab was the only one (out of 7) with two separate research projects for the two students. Four weeks is not a long time for a research with any level of completeness. I like the summer program name "Summer Immersion" of Cornell - it is an intensive activity with much focus required, from decision making to execution. The two research topics, one on in-vivo brain R2* and the other on phantom susceptibility, were well digested by the students and the time spent was well worth it. 

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