Saturday, December 10, 2022

GE Research, Magnus, and NYTimes

 A first-ever, "Neuroscience conference" was held at the GRC Niskayuna campus on Dec 6-7. Dr. Tom Foo organized the whole thing, with many well-known (and busy) scientists from the academia attending the multi-day event in person. Alan Koretsky and Peter Bandettini were two of the invited neuro-experts who had in fact been involved in a Korean neuroscience center evaluation a few years ago. Tommy Vaughan was another big-name person who I had met while working in Korea. This conference was spurred by our MAGNUS gradient coil, which had just reached the record power for any head-only gradient coil at 3T the week before. Coincidentally and serendipitously, on the same day (Dec 6) GE had put out a full-page NY Time advertisement with a brain image obtained from MAGNUS (shown above to the left), as part of an unprecedented full-issue takeover of all the printed advertisement space for the day. With MAGNUS, we may be onto something.

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