Sunday, June 20, 2021

KSMRM on-line education day

This year's KSMRM education day was held on June 19, 2021 in the form of a whole-day on-line lecture series. The lectures were streamed on-line from a studio that was set up in a conference hall provided by Guerbet Korea, in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Out of the 14 speakers, 5 uploaded a pre-recorded video, 1 presented remotely on-line, and the rest (8) spoke in person from the studio. A total of 141 people registered for the event, and typically 80 ~ 90 people were logged in at any given time. This is the second time when the education day was delivered in a live stream format, following the last year's example. The sessions went smoothly without any major technical or logistical issues. Most of the lectures were on clinical applications of MRI, given by medical doctors in Radiology. Thank you all who helped prepare and wrap up this annual event successfully!

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