Saturday, February 29, 2020

SARS-CoV-2 disruption

The official name is SARS-CoV-2. It is the virus that causes a respiratory disease named CoViD-19. This de-facto pandemic is now causing significant disruption in school routines. It appears to be a matter of time that a significant portion of the N Center be blocked from entry due to need to disinfect areas touched by some infected people. As of 3/2, the university has implemented a policy to ban entry to all buildings without a mask. Classes for the first two semester weeks, starting from 3/9, will be entirely given on-line. All the teaching staff were asked to upload recorded video files for the first week's lectures. As to research activities, some BME labs have recommended graduate students to stay home for a while. On-line data connectivity in Korea is highly developed, accessible, and well utilized by all students. This is definitely a help to relieve headaches of many who must work from home. No quick ending of the disruption is in sight. Even after this incident is over, remote on-line working is likely going to be more and more prevalent and be crucial to how people do business in this age.

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