Friday, September 6, 2019

The 10th Annual Scientific Symposium on Ultrahigh-field MRI was held in Berlin, Germany yesterday. As Robin Heidemann summarized as the final speaker of the one-day workshop, the meeting was held on a beautiful campus with fine food and excellent presentations. It was run in a highly friendly and informal atmosphere, yet was run quite professionally. Eye-catching were the lecture room names (Axon, Synapse, Dentrit) of the building, and a grand piano that was actually played between sessions by the hosting researchers IN the lecture room. Scientifically, the symposium covered human and animal MRI at 7T and higher, with about half-and-half split between technical and clinical works. Some of the notable topics discussed were: thermal MRI (Berlin group), 10.5 T human body images (Minnesota), and prospect of 14T MRI (Mark Ladd). Siemens appears to be working on new gradient coils and higher power gradient amplifiers (between 2 and 3 MW). A good question: How can meetings like this happen in SKKU, where presenters and organizers are happy, enjoying and proud of their work, and focusing on information and not person?

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