Tuesday, May 21, 2019

ISMRM 2019

The 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM was held in Montreal last week. From the lab, Ms. Lee SH and Ms. Yoo SK each presented a digital poster and Dr. Lee SK gave a 30 min lecture on MR systems engineering. The conference hall is familiar to old-timers since there was another ISMRM meeting in 2011 in the same place. The climate was pleasant and the dining options were excellent. One of the (personal) highlights was that GE officially unveiled the compact head-only 3T scanner, dubbed ESP, as a research-only, made-to-order scanner. Abstracts related to what the Lab is working on included: (1) high temporal resolution eddy current imaging (Xiaohong Joe Zhou), (2) habenula MRI at 3T (Haacke), and (3) B0 simulation for head motion (Bowtell).

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