Saturday, April 28, 2018

Seminars and visits in April

Among many things that have happened in the month of April, here are the more notable ones:
  • 2018 Fall semester graduate school admission fair was held on April 4-5. A few students expressed interest in GBME graduate school for research in MRI. The department-wide introduction session in the N Center was attended by about 20 prospective students.
  • Dr. Lee gave a lecture on 7T MRI to medical doctors at SMC, in what was called RGR: Radiology Grand Round, on April 10th.
  • Dr. Sukhoon Oh from KBSI visited the N Center on April 19th, to give a seminar to the GBME undergraduate students on 7T MRI.
  • Dr. Lee visited Seoul National University on April 20th, to deliver a lecture on gradient coil technologies, invited by Prof. Jongho Lee at SNU Electrical engineering. There was a discussion with Prof. Han S-R on possibly building a new MRI machine using new high Tc superconductor technologies.
  • Midterm exam for the BME Electromagnetics was held on April 25th.

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