Wednesday, November 22, 2017

PIERS 2017, Singapore

PIERS stands for Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, an annual conference dedicated to research in fundamentals and applications of EM physics and engineering. This year's conference was held in Singapore from 11/19-22, and Dr. Lee gave an invited talk at a session on E&M in MRI, organized by Drs. Tommy Vaughan and Shaoying Huang. The conference itself was well attended, with reported abstract submissions counting over 1700. With such diverse areas of E&M applications (pretty much covering all engineering in modern days!), the parallel sessions were  many and individual sessions were uncrowded. About 5 sessions, including E&M in MRI, were closely related to biomedical engineering. MRI itself was not a main subject in the conference, but the few bio-oriented sessions featured diverse laboratory-scale engineering projects that could potentially fit the SKKU BME department.

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