Wednesday, November 30, 2016

End of November

We are now moving toward the last month of the year. The MRI engineering class is now only a couple of lecture weeks away from the closing. The two graduate classes I ran this year were relatively successful. The course material could grow into a small textbook, or, at least will certainly be useful for future course designs. Here are the updates from the past few weeks:
- There was the 6th Joint Symposium between SKKU and Nagoya University of Japan, at our building. I delivered a 25 min talk on MR-based tissue susceptibility measurement.
- Yesterday, the undergraduate students and the teaching faculty members of the BME department had a social get-together, with recreational bowling games in a local place and informal lunch in small groups.
- Seulki Yoo was officially accepted as an incoming graduate student in the BME department. She also got a school scholarship. Congratulations to Seulki!
- Undergraduate research on MR susceptometry on phantoms is making slow progress. JY Heo is in the process of preparing a gelatin phantom for B0 mapping.

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