Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fall Semester began!

Easy to remember, the academic calendar for the 2nd semester of 2016 follows very closely the one for the 1st with a 6 month delay. The start of the semester was therefore 9/1, and the end of it will be on 12/21. The week of September 1st was another busy and interesting one for the BME friends and colleagues. We had

- An opening ceremony for the BICS institute in the N Center, with a nice buffet dinner in the gallery area, open to the BME students,
- A research introduction seminar with the Founding director of BICS, Prof. Kataoka, followed by a nice dinner at an upscale restaurant,
- And of course all the hustles and bustles of the start of a semester with undecided students and panicking professors over course registrations.

Also, we have hired a Lab technician to operate the Machine shop on the 1st floor. Welcome to Mr. Cheon, Jin Whan!

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