A flurry of media articles appeared on-line following the official publication of the DIANA fMRI paper in Science. The main article and the accompanying commentary are off-limits for general public, subject to subscription requirement, but the following news articles are free for everyone to read:
The Scientist Magazine (UK): New MRI Technique Tracks Brain Activity at Millisecond Timescales.
"incredibly convincing", "super exciting"
STAT news (US): Brain Imaging Method Might Overcome Limitations of MRI Scans
"first believable in vivo neuronal current MRI images I've seen"
Nature news (UK): Faster MRI Scan Captures Brain Activity in Mice
"faster than ever before"
as well as one in a Korean mainstream newspaper. Both the Scientist magazine and STAT news reported a fairly balanced story, while the layman's explanation in Nature news was a bit too sketchy and misleading on how k-space line-scan works. As all the articles touched upon, the race for the next great milestone, reproduction of the research, has now started!
Additional articles:
Chinese news article (can be translated into English by many browsers with a single click)
French article in Le Monde (Oct 19)
Dong-a science (in Korean) (Nov 05)