Sunday, March 13, 2022

Master's theses published

Korean research literature database, called RISS (Research Information Sharing Service,, publishes Master's and PhD theses from Korean academic institutions on-line. The theses by Byung-Pan Song and So-Hee Lee appear to have been submitted in Dec 2021, and the unsigned versions are now available for free download under Creative Commons license terms from the links below: (Song, B-P)

송병판. "A Novel Coil Design for Improving SNR in MR microscopy and a Convenient Imaging Method Using Inductively Coupling." 국내석사학위논문 성균관대학교 일반대학원, 2022. 서울 (Lee, S-H)

이소희. "Fabrication of imaging setup of ex vivo tissue sample with spherical container for multi-orientation MRI experiments." 국내석사학위논문 성균관대학교 일반대학원, 2022. 서울

Byung-Pan's thesis is based on his research on inductively coupled and multi-turn histology coils that enable MRI of very thin (40 micrometers) tissue samples in a clinical 3T scanner. The thesis contains significant materials on the experimental methods and data for the novel RF coils. The SNR improvement shown in rat brain slices, enabled by the multi-turn design, is quite impressive. The proposed coil design can be utilized in future research in MR microscopy, especially multiplexed and multi-orientation studies. Hope there will be significant follow-up by other researchers in the field!