With the COVID crisis deepening yet again, this summer's undergraduate research presentation was done in an on-line format, using Microsoft Teams, on July 21. Sadly, this may well be the last official group activity for the members of CIEL; it is only hoped that less official activities and networking would continue among the members who have shared the same lab space for years. The presenter was Seok-Jin Yeo, a senior who has worked in the Lab since 2018. Mr. Yeo spoke about his work in the past semester (and year) on extending the susceptibility-induced B0 calculation algorithm to arbitrary orientations. This work combined many research elements in it -- good amount of mathematics, Matlab simulations, and experimental measurements of magnetic fields with a Hall probe and by MRI. The presentation was effective, and the on-line platform was satisfactory in engaging the audience from multiple locations smoothly. Thank you all who participated in the meeting!