Saturday, August 31, 2019

Summer 2019 winding down

Hot summer days are finally giving way to cool air and the university's summer vacation has officially come to an end today. The Lab did not take summer interns during the official intern program weeks, but instead had Ms. Do-yeun Kim from last year continue her work in the lab part-time for 5 weeks. To send her off, and to celebrate the first publication by the GBME undergraduates in an international journal (PlosOne), the Lab had a party on Wednesday 8/28 at a popular restaurant overlooking the Baek-Woon lake in the city of Ui-wang.

On the research front, what we did in the summer includes:
(1) So-Hee Lee completed the monkey-brain spherical phantom, which can now be imaged for many hours (>6) in a row in the 7T scanner for high resolution imaging at multiple orientations.
(2) Hyeong-Seop Kim improved the surface coil for multi-orientation B1 mapping on a cylindrical phantom, which is now more robust against rotations and placements of cables.
(3) Byeong-Pahn Song is finishing up collecting data for a short Note publication on the inductively coupled histology coil.
(4) Seulki Yoo has made progress on Habenula QSM paper. A part of it, the ROI dependence, was submitted for poster presentation at the 5th International Workshop on QSM and Phase Contrast in September.
(5) In collaboration with Prof. JY Park, a kick-off meeting was held on DIANA fMRI, and a long-overdue revision of Jeongtaek Lee's radial recon paper was finally submitted to Scientific Reports.