Friday, June 21, 2019

End of the semester, Spring 2019

The spring semester is officially over as of today, June 21. Many undergraduate students were busy with final exams in the past couple of weeks, and summer programs will start from next week including the 4-week internship program of the BME department. In the Lab, the semester had a few good news:
- Grant of Korean government funding for Multi-orientation B1 mapping (from March), and Direct Imaging of Neuronal Activity with MRI (from June, led by Prof. JY Park).
- Admission of two new graduate students (HS Kim and BP Song).
- Positive responses to the spherical phantom paper submitted to PLoS One.
- Good representations at the icMRI and ISMRM meetings.
The Lab's summer research plan includes wrapping up of human habenula QSM studies, revising the tilt-head B0 manuscript, and writing up a couple of MR engineering works presented at icMRI in March. The undergraduate students will be tasked to work on gradient coil PNS simulation using Comsol and Sim4Life.