Saturday, July 21, 2018

Summer Intership concluded

The 2018 CNIR/BME summer internship program was concluded on Friday 7/20, with a poster presentation by about 10 students/student pairs. For the lab, the summer project ended up being not one of the titles suggested in the previous web log, but was on gradient waveform changes according to peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) control. This was fruitful, and the students, Seul LEE and Doyeon KIM, liked the project. This has a potential for a local/international MRI conference presentation, and perhaps a quick journal publication after more data be collected. The other teams also appear to have achieved something presentable, given the overall quality and content of the other posters. In the MRI-related projects, there were numerical validation of accelerated imaging (SMASH, GRAPPA), and lung image segmentation and respiratory gating tool development, all in Matlab. Good job and congratulations to all the summer students!

Monday, July 2, 2018

ISMRM conference at Paris

The 26th Annual Meeting of ISMRM was held in Paris, France, from 6/16 to 6/21. Many students and researchers from SKKU attended the meeting to enjoy the summer days in the popular western European destination and network with global friends. From the lab, Ms. Seulki Yoo presented a (paper) poster as well as a short oral presentation in the Electromagnetic Properties Study group on her habenula QSM research. Dr. Lee presented an e-Poster on multi-orientation B1 mapping. The MRM editorial board meeting was held on Tuesday 6/19 where the journal's latest status was presented/discussed by Dr. Bernstein. In the MRM deputy editors' luncheon event, Peter Barker (Johns Hopkins) and Peter Jezzard (Oxford), both of whom had attended the icMRI conference in Seoul in March, appreciated their stay in Korea as being very positive. It appeared that this year's ISMRM conference was well attended and much liked by many attendees. Particularly useful were several "Member-initiated symposia" on timely topics: QSM, PNS, portable MRI, and others.