This past week was a busy one for the Korean MRI community. The first 3 days were for a specially organized ISMRM-sponsored workshop in advance neuroimaging, held in Yeoksam-dong, Seoul. Then the next 3 days were for the annual meeting of KSMRM, also known as the International Congress on MRI (ICMRI), at a usual venue of Grand Hilton Hotel in Hongeun-dong, Seoul. Both research conferences were a success, with good turnout of registered audience and top-notch presentations from accomplished researchers. The SKKU MRI lab, MRI-CIEL, was well represented in the MR engineering sessions of ICMRI. Seon-ha Hwang made her debut! in an academic conference by smoothly delivering a 2 min pitch in the MR engineering power pitch session.
New-comers and new generation of researchers in the Korean MRI society are now being more visible in their various roles in the society. This seems to promise a continued, healthy growth of the Korean MRI community.